I love this packing list from Travelista.com except for the animal print. EWW.

1. Do NOT wear pajamas to the airport, people.
2. The airport and long flights are not an excuse to forget your style and since we're on this subject... NEITHER IS THE GROCERY STORE. I find some of my best style inspiration by people in airports from all different walks of life. This could be you!
3. Trips are not an excuse to bring out things in your closet that you store in the far back left corner and never wear in real life. Just because you are going to a place where no one knows you, doesn't mean you are actually being transported to another world. For example, the circa 1980 baggy sweatshirt you got in Honolulu with the graphic printed turtle- it needs to go... permanently. If you must keep it then keep it in your suitcase till the island and if you are not going to an island, why the H.E. double hockey sticks do you have a turtle sweatshirt, sweat shirt with cat on it, a wolf, a fish...? You know who you are. Styling for location is a whole different post.
There are SO many cute, comfy and stylish outfits out there that traveling in style should be a breeze. I mean, a baggy cashmere sweater and leggings with an over-sized scarf is TOTALLY in right now!
I am a big "let's-be-cute-while-we-travel" kinda girl. There is a big gap between being cute and stylish versus being over-dressed fancy. I am not talking about the women or men that are on puddle jumping flights for business and have to be dressed to walk into a meeting when they land. If that's you, then you should be repeating "wrinkle free, wrinkle free, wrinkle free," in your head. I think that being cute means 1. Stylish details 2. Simple and 3. Practical. When a woman walks through the airport...Wait, wait, wait. For the record, I am talking about DOMESTIC flights. I am NOT tapping into the "how-to" of travel style in other countries. It is vastly different and makes certain things more acceptable. Again, when a woman walks through the airport with sky high heels and she wobbles because she can't even hold her hand bag correctly to the point where she looks like she is going to fall over... I think, not a great idea there, sweets.
I mean ladies, we care about taking care of ourselves and we care about how we look but we DO NOT need to make statements everywhere we go. Please don't. The Kardashians don't have houses in Portland for a reason. Would you rather be the girl that misses her flight because she is too embarrassed to jog a little in her high heels for fear that she will topple over or do you want to be the girl that wore the practical ballet flats and can run laps around high heel girl? Huh? Huh? Huh? I didn't even mention that fancy high heel girl has to take her shoes off at some point and gets nasty airport carpet all over those pedicured pretties.
Here are some great cute travel outfits from my pinterest!
1. Do NOT wear pajamas to the airport, people.
2. The airport and long flights are not an excuse to forget your style and since we're on this subject... NEITHER IS THE GROCERY STORE. I find some of my best style inspiration by people in airports from all different walks of life. This could be you!
3. Trips are not an excuse to bring out things in your closet that you store in the far back left corner and never wear in real life. Just because you are going to a place where no one knows you, doesn't mean you are actually being transported to another world. For example, the circa 1980 baggy sweatshirt you got in Honolulu with the graphic printed turtle- it needs to go... permanently. If you must keep it then keep it in your suitcase till the island and if you are not going to an island, why the H.E. double hockey sticks do you have a turtle sweatshirt, sweat shirt with cat on it, a wolf, a fish...? You know who you are. Styling for location is a whole different post.
There are SO many cute, comfy and stylish outfits out there that traveling in style should be a breeze. I mean, a baggy cashmere sweater and leggings with an over-sized scarf is TOTALLY in right now!
I am a big "let's-be-cute-while-we-travel" kinda girl. There is a big gap between being cute and stylish versus being over-dressed fancy. I am not talking about the women or men that are on puddle jumping flights for business and have to be dressed to walk into a meeting when they land. If that's you, then you should be repeating "wrinkle free, wrinkle free, wrinkle free," in your head. I think that being cute means 1. Stylish details 2. Simple and 3. Practical. When a woman walks through the airport...Wait, wait, wait. For the record, I am talking about DOMESTIC flights. I am NOT tapping into the "how-to" of travel style in other countries. It is vastly different and makes certain things more acceptable. Again, when a woman walks through the airport with sky high heels and she wobbles because she can't even hold her hand bag correctly to the point where she looks like she is going to fall over... I think, not a great idea there, sweets.
Here are some great cute travel outfits from my pinterest!
I really like the idea of wearing a blazer while you travel because of 1. How cute it is 2. How versatile it is and 3. It saves a lot of space in your luggage. Throw the blazer over a cute dress for going out to dinner and wear it during the day to be a stylish tourist while site seeing.
Have a trip coming up? Want someone to help you put some outfits together and get you some goodies to go? I'll even pack for you. I'm practically a magician. Did you know that I only take a carry-on on any trip? As in, traveling through Europe for a month.... ONE CARRY-ON. Yup, I did it and you can too.. well... with my help, that is.
Luv you Kittens (I'll explain that later in my NYC recap post.. STAY TUNED!!!)
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